Most Advanced courses offered in Canada have a course theme. This allows the individual therapist to focus their learning dependent upon their specific needs. It needs to be recognized that the neuroscience and neurorehabilitation literature is constantly evolving. All CBIA instructors provide didactic lectures that are fully referenced in the current literature. Therefore ongoing attendance at Advanced courses enables the individual therapist to remain current in the neuroscience and neurorehabilitation literature relevant to a specific course theme. Additionally, the variety of learning opportunities on an Advanced course such as Patient Demonstrations, Practical workshops, literature reviews, as well as the opportunity to treat a patient with Instructor supervision and guidance, enables the therapist to develop their individual clinical reasoning and handling skills. These are skills that are difficult to develop in isolation, and without the opportunity for critical reflection, which is an essential component of every Advanced course. Handling skills and clinical reasoning skills are ‘Skills’, and as such they are constantly evolving and developing, it is a continual learning process, as the therapist moves along the continuum from novice to expert clinician.
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