Bobath and NDT came from the same roots. Mrs. Bobath was invited to the US to instruct Bobath courses as there was an interest in her novel approach to treatment of the individual with a neurological lesion. However, the preference in the US was not to use a named approach and the decision at the time was to name the treatment approach based on the neuroscience of the time (Neurodevelopmental treatment). Two organizations have developed; The International Bobath Instructors Association (IBITA) founded by the Bobaths, and The Neurodevelopmental Therapy Association (NDTA) located in the US.
Although both of these treatment approaches share a common foundation, the organizations and instructors have developed the Bobath concept theoretical assumptions and clinical application mostly independently, and therefore differences evolve. However, there is international reciprocity between the two organizations. Additionally, due to limited publications on the Bobath concept and NDT, it is much easier for differences to be perceived.
There have been a number of recent publications, and NDTA and IBITA have shared their recent Theoretical Assumptions Documentation which are posted on their respective websites.
Additionally, there has been a recent publication by Cott, Vaughan-Graham & Brunton (2011), as a letter to the Editor of Physiotherapy Canada, identifying the limitation of the Canadian Stroke Best Practice Guidelines with respect to current clinical practice. Vaughan-Graham, an Advanced IBITA Instructor, and Brunton, an NDTA & IBITA Instructor, clearly identified similar problems with the recent neurosciences literature with respect to their clinical practice.
You are encouraged to take the best from both to meet your own learning needs.
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