Why take Advanced courses more than once?

Most Advanced courses offered in Canada have a course theme.  This allows the individual therapist to focus their learning dependent upon their specific needs.  It needs to be recognized that the neuroscience and neurorehabilitation literature is constantly evolving. ...

Are NDT and Bobath courses interchangeable?

Yes! There is international reciprocity between the International Bobath Instructors Training Association (IBITA), and the NeuroDevelopmental Therapy Association (NDTA).  Therefore completion of a Bobath course or an NDTA course will enable you to participate in the...

Is there a difference between Bobath and NDT?

Bobath and NDT came from the same roots.  Mrs. Bobath was invited to the US to instruct Bobath courses as there was an interest in her novel approach to treatment of the individual with a neurological lesion.  However, the preference in the US was not to use a named...