Does BIG provide any funding for therapists taking Bobath courses?
Yes! BIG has initiated a bursary program that BIG members can apply to, in order to assist them in participating in CBIA Bobath courses. To apply for a BIG bursary, complete the BIG bursary form and email a member of the BIG executive at [email protected]
Also NSD has funding for remote therapists.
What is the Bobath Interest Group?
It is the Canadian subgroup of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association Interest group ‘Neurosciences Division’
- Canadian Physiotherapists Association
- Neurosciences Division
- Bobath Interest Group
- Canadian Bobath Instructors association
Who we are?
We are a group of OT’s PT’s OTA’s and PTA’s working with neurologically involved clients using the Bobath concept.
How do I get involved?
Fill out the form on the Join BIG page
Can I join BIG if I have taken an NDT course but not a Bobath course?
Do I need to have a certain skill level in order to join BIG?
No, only requirement is that you have taken CBIA or NDTA the intro level/human movement course Is the Bobath Interest Group only for therapists interested in becoming Instructors?
Is there a fee involved?
No there is no further fee but physiotherapy members do have to be CPA and NSD members and occupational therapists need to be members of their provincial or national professional association.
Why does a physiotherapist have to be a member of NSD to be a member of BIG?
BIG is a subroup of the Neurosciences Division- Canadian Physiotherapy Assocation which is the National Physiotherapy Organization. Occupational Therapists are required to be members of their respective National or Provincial Professional Organization to be a member of BIG.